If it ain’t one thing It’s a mother!&@&# Other – Kanban for Individuals and Teams Thursday, April 25, 2013 [RSVP] Knowledge work is defined by friction. Every time you start something, something else pops up that needs your attention, getting anything done feels like wading through quicksand. There are no silver-bullets for the state of constant overload that is modern work, but some approaches work better than others. Kanban is a simple framework that asks you to find ways to visualize your work and limit your work in progress in order to stop starting stuff and start finishing it. It’s a great compliment to Agile development and Lean Startup efforts. Who’s this for? Anyone who wants to find ways to be more effective (doing the right things) and efficient (doing them well) at work. People from all walks of life are benefiting from Kanban: executives, developers, writers, marketers, teachers, health care professionals, construction workers… We’ll cover: Kanban’s roots in the Toyota Production System, the Theory of Constraints and other antecedents David Anderson’s Kanban Method’s Principles and Practices Jim Benson’s Personal Kanban, with a focus on the psychology of work How to get started with a physical or virtual kanban board Kanban and the Pomodoro technique When we’re done, you’ll be ready to start using kanban by yourself or with your team, and you’ll have a sense of where to turn for lots more depth, ideas and support.